Register for FIM4R: trust & identity updates for research communities by AARC, REFEDS, WISE and more

Register for FIM4R: trust & identity updates for research communities by AARC, REFEDS, WISE and more

Registration is open for the Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations (FIM4R) workshop that will be held on 11 February 2019. Research communities that have been participating in the AARC (Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration) project will present their work to pilot specific solutions based on the AARC blueprint architecture and policy guidelines.

The initial requirements and the ultimate AARC solutions will be presented for WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid), Cherenkov Telescope Array, LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), Life Sciences, DARIAH and EGI, and EISCAT 3D (European Next Generation Incoherent Scatter Radar).

As well as the AARC presentations, the FIM4R workshop will also cover developments in activities led by REFEDS (Research and Education Federations), WISE (Wise Information Security for Collaborating e-Infrastructures) and InCommon.

The February workshop is the 13th meeting of FIM4R. It will be held in Vienna in conjunction with TIIME (Trust and Internet Identity Meeting in Europe), which runs from 11-14 February.

The FIM4R meeting agenda is available and links to the registration. The FIM4R website has more information about the group and its activities, and information is available about the TIIME workshops and unconference.

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