AARC Engagement Group for Infrastructures

AARC Engagement Group for Infrastructures

The AARC Engagement Group for Infrastructures (AEGIS) brings together representatives from research and e-infrastructures, operators of AAI services and the AARC team to bridge communication gaps and make the most of common synergies.

AEGIS supports infrastructures that operate an AARC BPA compliant AAI to assess and endorse AARC guidelines. AEGIS endorsed guidelines are ready to be deployed in AAI production environments.

The objectives and scope of AEGIS are:

  • consult the expertise of participants for feedback on AAI activities;
  • showcase ongoing implementation efforts of the AARC Blueprint Architecture;
  • promote a consistent vision for federated access;
  • facilitate activities for the adoption of harmonised solutions and avoid ‘reinventing’ the wheel;
  • report on the adoption of and provide guidance on the AARC guidelines;
  • provide a home for the adoption and further development of the AARC Blueprint Architecture;
  • maintain, develop, and organisationally support the AARC community;
  • liaise with other entities in the AAI ecosystem.


There are two ways to participate in AEGIS:

  • Members – Research and e-infrastructures and other organizations responsible for the operation of AAIs for international research collaborations following the AARC guidelines relevant to their interoperability with AEGIS peers. Each member can appoint up to two individuals to represent the organization in AEGIS.
  • Observers – AEGIS welcomes parties that may have an interest in using AARC guidelines or that are in the process of implementing an AAI that follows the AARC BPA.  Observers should be invited by an AEGIS member and endorsed by the AEGIS membership. Observers do not vote nor endorse documents.


Version 1.0 – Endorsed on November 11th 2019

IPR Policy

Version 1.0 – Endorsed on November 9th 2020

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