Meeting Information

AARC held the kick-off meeting on the 3rd and 4th of June in Amsterdam. The meeting was hosted by Nikhef, which is located at Science Park.

The notes of the meeting are online.


3rd June

Time Activity
12:00-13:00 LUNCH and REGISTRATION
13:00-13:15 Welcome, Jean-Luc Dorel (EC) remotely
13:15-13:35 What you need to know about AARC, Licia Florio
13:35- 13:55 Training and Outreach: goals and plans, Alessandra Scicchitano
13:55- 14:15 Policy and Best Practices: goals and plans, David Groep
14:15- 14:35 Architecture: goals and plans, Christos Kanellopoulos
14:35- 15:00 Pilots: goals and plans (pdf), Paul van Dijk
15:00 – 15:30 BREAK
15:30-17:00 Planning the work ahead: working sessions1. AARC Requirements for training and architectureAlessandra and Christos
17:00- 17:20 VOPaas: aligning the work between GN4 and AARC projects, Niels van Dijk
17:20- 17:30 Wrap up
19:00 Dinner (Bazar Amsterdam, Albert Cuypstraat 182)

4th June

Time Activity
09:00-10:30 Planning the work ahead: working sessions2. AARC architecture and pilots: finding dependencies and synergies, Christos Kanellopoulos and Paul Van Dijk3. Training and Outreach session, Alessandra Scicchitano
10:30-10:50 BREAK
10:50- 12:20 Planning the work ahead: working sessions
4. Assurance, eGOV ID and EIDAS eduPEPS: eduGAIN – STORK interoperation
David Groep, Mikael Linden, Christos Kanellopoulos
12:20- 13:30 LUNCH
13:30-14:30 Planning the work ahead: working sessions (pdf)5. Detailing the work for the pilots, Paul van Dijk, Marcus Hardt, Michal
14:30- 15:30 Highlights and conclusions , Licia Florio
15:30 Meeting ends – Coffee and drinks
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