AARC1 achievements

[vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_column_text]This page shows the achievements AARC has made following its roadmap to date.

screen-shot-2016-11-03-at-12-23-59FIM Leaflet for Service Providers
A leaflet to highlight the benefit of FIM and eduGAIN aimed at service providers.

Recommendations on data
for accounting and monitoring in e-infrastructures.
screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-14-27-45Blueprint Architecture For Comments
Document presenting a set of architectural building blocks and implementation patterns that will allow the development of interoperable authentication and authorisation infrastructures to support international research collaborations.

Facsheet for Libraries
A factsheet to highlight the benefits of federated access aimed at libraries.
cilogonAARC CILogon Launched
A pilot based on the CILogon service operated in the US. The AARC version enables the creation of X.509 certificates on the fly, upon user successful federated authentication.
sp-moduleFirst SP Training Delivered
A training module to support ELIXIR and DARIAH service provider to implement federated access was delivered with support of the eduGAIN team.
screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-14-38-59Sirtfi v1.0 Published
AARC contributes effort to define Sirtfi v1.0, the trust framework
to enable a coordinated response to a security
incident in a federated context. Sirtfi v1.0

AAI Overview
Report on existing AAIs and available technologies for federated access.
accountingAssurance Baseline
Document to describe a baseline assurance to support low-risk use-cases. This work continues in an open REFEDS Working Group.

Requirements on Accounting Data Published
Document to identify type of data generated by research and e-infrastructures and legal requirements to use them.
platformPilot Platform created
AARC Gitlab environment was created to store code and test components.Gitlab was chosen due the possibility to enable federated access to it.
fed101-webFederation 101
First basic information package to describe federated access.
researcherResearch Requirements
Researchers and library requirements collected via surveys and interviews.
startAARC Starts
All 20 partners meet in Amsterdam to discuss the AARC plans and to align approaches.





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